What is Accreditation?

Excerpted and adapted from the Cognia (SACS CASI) Accreditation Handbook and the Georgia Association of Christian Schools (GACS) Accreditation Manual:

The Bible exhorts us as Christians to be self-governed with the aid of the Holy Spirit and to seek wise counsel as we endeavor to grow in wisdom and stature. The process of voluntary accreditation through Cognia and the GACS strengthens a school through self-analysis and then provides the added benefit of wise counselors in the form of an accreditation team who evaluate the school by standards that reflect both academic quality and fidelity to scriptural principles.

In order to become accredited with GACS, a school must present a philosophy of education that conforms to biblical standards, must demonstrate that the school’s written program is in agreement with that philosophy, and must meet certain standards generally accepted by Christian educators. The twelve standards used by the GACS include categories such as Philosophy, Mission and Goals, Governance and Leadership, Finances, Facilities, Health and Safety, Educational Program, and Student Life.

In order to remain accredited, a school must submit an annual report to the GACS in which account is given of the school’s condition, progress, and maintenance of standards. Also, a school must establish, implement, and provide proof of an on-going five-year School Improvement Plan which addresses the school’s biblical beliefs, mission, goals, student expectations, curriculum and instructional strategies, performance assessment, and strategic initiatives.

“Accreditation [with Cognia] requires systems and institutions to continuously meet the applicable Cognia Policies, Standards and requirements. Cognia refers to the collective efforts and actions of the institution to continuously meet accreditation expectations as the improvement journey. Cognia accreditation is responsive to variations in the purposes (i.e., missions and visions) of accredited systems and institutions. The improvement journey of an institution should progress in ways that are personalized, relevant and meaningful on behalf of the students served.

Periodically, Cognia will review the institution through on-site visitations that are specific to the purpose of the review. Such reviews may include Readiness Reviews, Engagement Reviews, Monitoring Reviews, or other Specialized Reviews...”

A status of Fully Accredited (conferred in five-year increments) has been granted to Victory Baptist School by Cognia (SACS CASI) and by the Georgia Association of Christian Schools (GACS).

=> Recognition of Accreditation